Wednesday, May 1, 2019

14 Crazy Mobile App Development Myths Busted For Good!

With the rise in mobile app designing in India, the myths regarding mobile apps are also multiplying. These myths, if believed, may hamper the deserved development and growth of an app. So, why don’t you check out the list we’ve created to make sure you’ve not fallen for any of them?

Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development Myths

1. You don’t need professionals to work on your app

‘I have a great idea for an app and there are online tools that can help me make it quickly for a low cost.’ This is perhaps the most inaccurate mobile application development thought you’ll have.

Application development process is demanding. It can benefit greatly from a developer’s skill, creativity, and experience. Making frameworks, coding, syncing development with design, involving content, all has to be handled with intricate care.

Naturally, an expert can do all of these 100 folds better than you can learn and do from the internet with automated tools. Remember that these tools have limitations and cannot replace human intervention.

2. App development means only coding

Coding is the heart of app development. But it is not everything there is to developing an app. There’s design, user interface, cross-coding functionality, framework, and many other things. Thus, while coding forms the core of an app, there are other factors that make it whole.

And as an app developer, you need knowledge of all the metrics to be able to build an app that is good in design and UX. Along with core development, they should also be up-to-date with the latest app development news. This way, they can add recent trends and technology into the app.

3. Small apps are quickly made and at low cost

A general misconception is that if an app has only one page or is relatively small with fewer features, it can be built within mere days.

Progress’ Kinvey revealed that developing an app from scratch and bringing it to the app stores is a 6-month process at least. While online tools are available for rapid app development, it still takes time for the ideas to materialize.

So, whether you’re making a heavy or a small app, give the developers adequate time to do their research, come up with features, add-ons, frameworks, and execute them. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your app be.

4. It isn’t a good idea to invest in HTLM5 apps anymore

HTML5 apps are apps which are accessed directly through the web. Which means that they do not need space in mobile storage and are opened in internet browsers.

With the advance of native apps, mobile web apps may seem to have taken a backseat. But they aren’t totally forgotten. If your business does not require a complete mobile app, the HTML5 versions are really worth a try.

5. Mobile app developers have to follow concrete plans the customer makes

This is a mobile app development myth that bothers app development companies a lot. Users indeed know the best about their company and what they’re trying to get done through an app. However, designing and developing an app is a creative process that may see overnight changes, unpredicted additions or deductions.

So, it is necessary to trust the process of the people you hire. Encourage them to consider your opinions and requirements. But also don’t compel them to do exactly as you’ve planned it in your head.

Mobile Application Design Myths

6. Adding too many features will impress the users

One of the most insightful mobile app development tips so far is to avoid stuffing your app with unnecessary jazz. A unique feature or two is fascinating for the consumer. At the same time, they should not feel overwhelmed by the amount of content you have put on the app.

Too many features can lead to clutter and chaos. They may hinder with the quick response of the app, drive users away from conversions, and create unnecessary confusion. Hence, get the idea out of your head that adding too many features will keep the users engaged.

7. As long as the design is good, content doesn’t matter

You must’ve heard this by now- content is king. And this is true not only for websites but also for apps.

We have observed quite often that some apps are aesthetically pleasing but fail to provide good reasons for a user to stay on them. This shows the lack of quality content on the app. And while the attractive design may draw users to download your app, it alone won’t be able to make them use the app regularly. In this case, you won’t benefit much out of the app.

So, focus on keeping the design pretty, but also make the content the best thing about your app.

Mobile Application Marketing Myths

8. You don’t have to do anything once the app is made and placed in app stores

As a mobile apps development company, we encourage our customers to indulge in app marketing for multiple reasons. The first being that the app should reach the right customers not by fate but by specific strategy.

Once the app finds a place on the app store, you can make sure that users come across it. And with 2.6 million apps on the play store, it is difficult for users to find your app easily. For this reason, app store optimization can rank your app better, thus diverting more consumers your way.

On the development end, apps need regular updates, code-checks, and bug-scans to keep them robust and running. This is yet another set of responsibilities you’ll be taking once the app is made. So in fact, you have to give more attention to your app once it is released on the app store.

9. App store optimization will bring all the traffic you need

Remember that people only visit app stores when they’re looking for something specific. Unlike social media, which sees millions of visitors for no other reason than entertainment, the app store can only bring you limited traffic.

Hence, while you hire a mobile app developer in India to make an app for you, don’t fall short on marketing it. You can market your app through social media, email, and offline marketing. By doing so, you introduce the app to a wider audience transcending the app stores. And thus, you can fetch new customers.

10.Marketing apps is a very costly task

Marketing can be done by spending ample money. But that’s just one of the many ways. There are other things you can opt for if you’re low on the marketing budget.

For one, word of mouth works like wildfire. And similar to that is the feature of ratings and reviews on the app stores. Higher the ratings, better the ranking of your mobile app will be on the store. This will automatically lead to more downloads.

Furthermore, other fields of digital and offline marketing are pocket-friendly and highly effective.

General Mobile Application Myths

11. All businesses must have a mobile app

Mobile applications are believed to bring in more conversions, popularity, and of course, money. Sometimes though, investing in a mobile app can be a bad decision. Hence, this is one of the major myths of mobile applications.

Many businesses have less to do with e-commerce or availing online services. In such cases, if you own a mobile-optimized website, it can suffice your needs. And hence, investing in a mobile app may not offer you more benefits than the ones you already have.

Thus, whenever going for a mobile app, weigh your options to make sure your company needs one.

12. The only cost in making apps is of development

You can’t simply develop an app and expect it to run itself. With making a mobile app comes the responsibility of maintenance, upgrades, and features enhancement.

These costs are applied to keep the app bug-free, update it from time to time, and give the users a crisp and luxurious experience. Moreover, with the growth of users and business, apps see changes in their framework as well as appearance. All of this has to be considered and included in mobile application development services.

13. Paid apps bring in more money than unpaid ones

People who believe in this myth go by the logic that it is instant money. Which is true of course, as soon as a user downloads a paid app, the company owning it gets money.

However, it is a fact that users like unpaid apps more than the paid ones. In sync with that, research shows that the apps supporting in-app purchases had revenues $8 billion higher than the paid apps. Which clearly shows that unpaid apps can earn you more money than paid apps. For this, you can resort to in-app purchases.

Plus, there’s always the freedom to allow advertisements inside your app. With the help of such tactics, you can make more revenue through your app than you can by keeping a download cost on it.

14. A unique app idea will surely bring in fortune

It is true that customers love it if you have something unique to offer. And while ideas do sell, we should give some credits to their execution as well. So, a unique idea doesn’t assure you success.

If your app is not developed properly, your intention won’t come through as efficiently as it should. Remember that the app design, purpose, development, and services all matter equally for a mobile app to become popular. So, without dwelling on just the idea, put enough efforts to get the desired results.

Before we go

If you’ve believed in even a single myth out of these, there’s much you’ve missed out on already. So, don’t forget to forget these myths and focus on making the best out of your mobile app.

Also, want to learn more about mobile apps? This blog about successful mobile app development is an excellent place to start.

A bit about us

RareDevs is a mobile apps development company with a relentless focus on all things that involve digital development, branding, and marketing. If you would like to know more about mobile apps or our services, reach out to us. We promise you this- we’re nerds who are also super fun to hang out with. Try us!


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  4. "Great topic! Many myths surround mobile app development, like the belief that only big businesses need apps or that more features always make an app better. In reality, even niche industries like property management software dubai
    benefit from well-designed, user-friendly apps. Another common myth is that development is a one-time process, but regular updates and maintenance are essential for long-term success."
